length of the line segment



In [4]:
# package로 인식을 못해서 어쩔 수 없이 이렇게 import함
%cd ..
from helper.war import Kata
%cd kata/
In [5]:
kata = Kata()
2016-10-04 04:29:07: helper.war - INFO - Start func: set_access_key
INFO:helper.war:Start func: set_access_key
In [6]:
challenge_url = 'http://www.codewars.com/kata/length-of-the-line-segment/python'
description = kata.get_description_in_code_challenge(challenge_url)
2016-10-04 04:29:08: helper.war - INFO - Start func: get_description_in_code_challenge
INFO:helper.war:Start func: get_description_in_code_challenge
2016-10-04 04:29:08: helper.war - INFO - Start func: set_code_challenge
INFO:helper.war:Start func: set_code_challenge
2016-10-04 04:29:08: helper.war - INFO - Start func: get_cleaned_challenge
INFO:helper.war:Start func: get_cleaned_challenge
2016-10-04 04:29:08: helper.war - INFO - challenge: length-of-the-line-segment
INFO:helper.war:challenge: length-of-the-line-segment
2016-10-04 04:29:09: helper.war - INFO - challenge_json: {'unresolved': {'issues': 0, 'suggestions': 0}, 'createdAt': '2015-09-10T12:32:53Z', 'description': 'Find the length between 2 co-ordinates.  The co-ordinates are made of integers between -20 and 20 and will be given in the form of a 2D array:\n\n(0,0) and (5,-7) would be [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]\n\nThe function must return the answer rounded to 2 decimal places in the form of a string.\n\n```javascript\nlengthOfLine([ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]); => "8.60"\n```\n```python\nlength_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) => "8.60"\n```\n```ruby\nlength_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) # => "8.60"\n```\n\nIf the 2 given co-ordinates are the same, the returned length should be "0.00" \n', 'voteScore': 50, 'totalStars': 14, 'slug': 'length-of-the-line-segment', 'contributorsWanted': True, 'createdBy': {'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/users/JMurphyWeb', 'username': 'JMurphyWeb'}, 'approvedBy': {'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/users/Balkoth', 'username': 'Balkoth'}, 'id': '55f1786c296de4952f000014', 'tags': ['Fundamentals', 'Mathematics', 'Algorithms', 'Logic', 'Numbers', 'Geometry', 'Algebra'], 'category': 'reference', 'languages': ['javascript', 'python', 'ruby'], 'totalCompleted': 785, 'totalAttempts': 1805, 'publishedAt': '2015-09-10T12:32:44Z', 'name': 'Length of the line segment', 'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/kata/length-of-the-line-segment', 'approvedAt': '2015-10-07T18:32:14Z', 'rank': {'id': -7, 'name': '7 kyu', 'color': 'white'}}
INFO:helper.war:challenge_json: {'unresolved': {'issues': 0, 'suggestions': 0}, 'createdAt': '2015-09-10T12:32:53Z', 'description': 'Find the length between 2 co-ordinates.  The co-ordinates are made of integers between -20 and 20 and will be given in the form of a 2D array:\n\n(0,0) and (5,-7) would be [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]\n\nThe function must return the answer rounded to 2 decimal places in the form of a string.\n\n```javascript\nlengthOfLine([ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]); => "8.60"\n```\n```python\nlength_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) => "8.60"\n```\n```ruby\nlength_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) # => "8.60"\n```\n\nIf the 2 given co-ordinates are the same, the returned length should be "0.00" \n', 'voteScore': 50, 'totalStars': 14, 'slug': 'length-of-the-line-segment', 'contributorsWanted': True, 'createdBy': {'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/users/JMurphyWeb', 'username': 'JMurphyWeb'}, 'approvedBy': {'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/users/Balkoth', 'username': 'Balkoth'}, 'id': '55f1786c296de4952f000014', 'tags': ['Fundamentals', 'Mathematics', 'Algorithms', 'Logic', 'Numbers', 'Geometry', 'Algebra'], 'category': 'reference', 'languages': ['javascript', 'python', 'ruby'], 'totalCompleted': 785, 'totalAttempts': 1805, 'publishedAt': '2015-09-10T12:32:44Z', 'name': 'Length of the line segment', 'url': 'https://www.codewars.com/kata/length-of-the-line-segment', 'approvedAt': '2015-10-07T18:32:14Z', 'rank': {'id': -7, 'name': '7 kyu', 'color': 'white'}}
Find the length between 2 co-ordinates.  The co-ordinates are made of integers between -20 and 20 and will be given in the form of a 2D array:

(0,0) and (5,-7) would be [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]

The function must return the answer rounded to 2 decimal places in the form of a string.

lengthOfLine([ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 5, -7 ] ]); => "8.60"
length_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) => "8.60"
length_of_line([[0, 0], [5, -7]]) # => "8.60"

If the 2 given co-ordinates are the same, the returned length should be "0.00" 

In [2]:
In [3]:


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